
I just remembered that our guide took video of the adoption ceremony yesterday with my camera. It seems to be too big to upload here directly, but you can see it here.

I also took a couple short videos of the immediate area. This one is the front of the hotel at night, lest you doubt me when I say Chongqing is like Vegas. That building with the waterfall effect? That’s a bank. The Chinese Agricultural Bank, in fact.

Finally, here’s one for the Ventrescas and anyone else who is aghast at the idea that they don’t have car seats here: Chongqing traffic. This is not a particularly strong example, but pay special notice to the merging procedure. Is there room in the next lane for the front of your car? Then put it there, brother!

Today we took a brief tour through some of Chongqing’s old areas. Now we’re off for a little walk with the girl and then some dinner. She’s getting more comfortable every moment, and we finally figured out why she was having trouble with the bottle: apparently at the orphanage they serve their bottles much hotter than you’d think. This is no problem since hotel rooms in China all come with electric kettles. It’s a relief to finally have her eating the way they told us she did. To be clear, we weren’t concerned about her eating enough food; she is whatever the opposite of a picky eater is. But she just wasn’t interested in the bottle, which they told us she was. So it was a small concern, now alleviated.

Okay then, we’re off. More soon.

Love to you all,
-joe and Kim

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